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Hawaii Home and Condo Sales for October 2012 YTD vs October 2011 YTD

waikiki condos

Waikiki condos in Honolulu, Oahu.


We are seeing an upturn in Home and Condo unit sales with an overall 3.9% (383 units) increase for the State of Hawaii.  Oahu home and condo unit sales increased 5.5% (321 units), Maui by 2.1% (37 units), and Kauai by 11.1% (60 units). The Big Island of Hawaii was the only island to show a decrease by 1.9% (35 units).

Find a home on the island of your choice and in your price range.

Statewide Stats Oct 12 YTD Oct 11 YTD % Chg
SFH Units            4,996           4,837 3.3%
Condos Units            5,322           5,098 4.4%
   Subtotal          10,318           9,935 3.9%
SFH Units            2,564           2,429 5.6%
Condos Units            3,542           3,356 5.5%
   Subtotal            6,106           5,785 5.5%
SFH Units                765               746 2.5%
Condos Units            1,009               991 1.8%
   Subtotal            1,774           1,737 2.1%
Big Island
SFH Units            1,330           1,366 -2.6%
Condos Units                507               506 0.2%
   Subtotal            1,837           1,872 -1.9%
SFH Units                337               296 13.9%
Condos Units                264               245 7.8%
   Subtotal                601               541 11.1%


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